Tuesday, September 9, 2014

FALL BACK ON ME... for your Personal and Business needs. Organizational, Office, Household services.

Photo from Android phone Downtown Boston

Do you work in the City ? 
9 to 5  then time is very valuable to you, so why not let me help you save some time. Would you like me to pick up and deliver something to you at your office this afternoon? Let me know.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

FALL BACK on Me.....

How's your closet looking?
Just one of the services that FALL BACK on Me provides.  

fallback1.wix.com/fallbackonme   fall.back1@aol.com
Inexpensive cable save, yes! it's a paper towel tube.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Image from Google

That's right Smart Shoppers look for bargains, sales & discount.  Whatever it is a Smart Shopper will take advantage of it.  Here's something to take advantage of TARGET SHOPPERS.  In case you didn't know:

EVERY Target shopper NEEDS to know this: If the price ends in 8, it will be marked down again. If it ends in a 4, it's the lowest it will be. Target's mark down schedule. - MONDAY: Kids’ Clothing, Stationery (office supplies, gift wrap), Electronics. TUESDAY: Women’s Clothing and Domestics. WEDNESDAY: Men’s Clothing, Toys, Health and Beauty. THURSDAY: Lingerie, Shoes, Housewares. FRIDAY: cosmetics
Let me know how it goes

Image from Pinterest

Monday, March 17, 2014

Spring will come....

...When it finally arrives Pastels are coming with it, along with Long Lovely Lengths & Fluffy Skirts.
 Colour, Colour, Colour

What's your style? 

 Take a look at some of these styles from my board OMGoodness....PINTEREST

Starting planning your outfits from some of the pins you view:

Friday, March 14, 2014

How did you spend your winter.......?

This is how I spent my Winter

I had bunion surgery on my left foot. OM Goodness it has been painful and challenging.  For those who are not familiar with a bunion it's hereditary, not always caused by pointy shoes....For those of you who have it here is some advice "Don't wait" to long if you need the surgery.  The longer, the older, the worse the recovery.  I'm looking forward to returning to my blog activity and simply just walking.