Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Donations for Tailored for Success Inc.
If you haven't heard about this place "Listen" With a referral your invited to this beautiful location in Malden to be styled for your next job interview ...HEAD to TOE...
to find out more contact the link below
For organizational assistance send me an email   Jeri
Tell me how I can help you pull it all together.
The finished Accessory Room

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Goggle Image 

Have you seen the March/2015 ESSENCE  with Tracee Ross... yes I know  it's April now but...I Loved " GIRL FRIENDS " did you? and now "Blackish"   But you have to read about her   "Happy Place"  her closet.

In the mean time how's your closet looking!

The weather has finally broken through over here on the East Coast and I want you to be ready to reach into your closet or drawer all Organized and find everything you need to look FABULOUS & enjoy some warm weather.

Send me an email tell me all about what you need:

additional closet story

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I'm not moving this will continue as Vintage poor little rich girl
goodwill, $store, buffalo exchange ect.
buys & various locations to shop, Organization, Polyvore
      • Image result for polyvore
 and the likes I will start another blog on TUMBLR


Goggle images

So I'm thinking about moving over to Tumblr.  I've been on the site building, decorating & thinking of a new name I'm JUST NOT SURE ABOUT
THE CHANGE... can anyone give me feed back about TUMBLR?

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Making the best of a small situation

I live in a lovely studio apartment with the Bedroom, Living Room & Office all wrapped in together. If your like me you have a lot of necessary stuff. Mainly stuff I wear. So the room came with a wardrobe and in it I have rain coats, jackets, dress coats & scarves.  I also keep my jewelry in clear shoe sized boxes stored on the bottom shelf along with storage of seasonal clothing.

On top of the wardrobe are white hat boxes that obviously contain my hats picked up at "Poor Little Rich Girl" that now moved to Wellesly, MA??  anyway I love them thanks to my Nana her hats were passed down to me. In the pink box I have belts rolled up with a pink lamp on top, the back ground is my vintage Vogue pic. Oh! yeah! I can't forget the little pink Nike sneakers that belonged to my youngest grand-daughter
Hat boxes..I should make them a decorating project, stay tune!!!
Vintage Vogue
The little Nike's and my belt box
Next to the wardrobe is my clothing rack I split my clothes between the wardrobe and a clothing rack. The clothing rack holds light weight clothing blouses, shirts, tops,dresses, sweaters & skirts. When you live in a small space you have to be a little creative with storage   
 I've decorated behind the rack with a colorful water color painting gift "The women in the window."

The clothing rack came from the fabulous Dollar store for $20 or less, check out the link: curtains on both sides I have owned. Below the clothing rack I stacked 3 navy blue vintage suit cases with white piping that I picked up at Goodwill a few summers ago at a great deal that I use to store a number of things.

Weather scarves, fancy gloves, belts
books, cell phone accessories
Old pics and pic albums to comb over when I'm old:)
How do you manage your small space you mind sharing?